Mindful Healing encompasses the use of several modalities, each one utilized is based on a client's individuals needs.
Below is a description of the methods used.
A.R.T.® Allergy Release Technique
A.R.T.® Allergy Release Technique is an integrative methodology that focuses on building and strengthening the body’s immune system with the goal of eliminating allergic responses. A.R.T. is a unique combination of advanced energy medicine and Western technology, working to balance an individual’s energy to allow the immune system to function optimally.
A.R.T.® Allergy Release Technique works to identifying the elements that the stress immune system. This is critical to emptying the allergy “bucket” and supporting the client's ability to deactivate allergic responses to foods.
*Information used with permission from A.R.T.® Allergy Release Technique
Vedic Counseling
Vedic Counseling is the ancient Vedic art and science of life guidance for body, mind and consciousness.Vedic counseling addresses all aspects of human life, with transformational guidance leading us to physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being. This type of counseling offers life guidance to live a life based upon Dharmic values and right management of your Karma.
Vedic counseling is relevant to all forms of healing, creativity, life-enhancement, and experiential spirituality. It provides in-depth guidance on how we can lead our lives in an optimal manner for unfolding higher powers of thought and action, to the supreme Self-realization. We can describe Vedic counseling as a Vedic spiritual or yogic counseling, as it looks to the role of consciousness as the key factor in our existence through our many incarnations.
Energy Healing
Energy healing is used to assist in removing blockages in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms that often prevent us from living in our fullest potential and highest vibration.
When the blockages are removed we are able to come into alignment with our life purpose and work from a place within our higher self. You will feel shifts that allow you to think clearer, feel lighter and become grounded within your divine path and life force.
Energy healing techniques are utilized from various resources including Melchizedek Method, Shamanic Healing, Somato-Emotional Release, Chakra Cleansing/ Realignment, Quantum Transformation & Intuitive Guidance.
Health/ Wellness Coaching
For the past 15 years I have been coaching and educating clients through their health struggles, physical traumas and overcoming emotional blockages in their life. I have a background study in psychology along with thorough education and certifications in Functional Medicine principles, gut /digestive health, and immune health. I integrate Health Coaching with most of my clients which includes individualized nutritional assessment and supplement recommendations targeted at achieving their personal health goals. My goal is to help my clients become mindful and intuitive to what their bodies need while bringing them to wellness within their physical and emotional self.
Emotion Code Healing
As a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, I use an energy healing technique that helps to identify and release trapped emotions in the body. Trapped emotions are emotional energy patterns that were created, by you, during a negative emotional event or trauma, that then got stuck in your body somewhere. Trapped emotions are very real, and although they are invisible (to the eye) it can easily disrupt your happiness, your success and especially your health. It's like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you've gone through. Eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. In this instance, each “suitcase" is a Trapped Emotion. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even disease processes. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal- so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable.
Reiki is a healing technique used for relaxation, stress reduction and promoting healing. The philosophy of Reiki is one that believes that there is a universal energy life force in which we are able to tap into. All things that are living are surrounded by this universal life force. When this life fore is low or there are restrictions in the flow, the body can become more susceptible to physical limitations and illness. Through Reiki, we are able to balance this energy system and release blockages that may be limiting the physical and emotional body. When Reiki is used, most people feel more balanced in their body and most leave a session with more energy and a sense of well-being.
I utilize Reiki in almost all my Energy and Emotion Code session. Most often, I use distance Reiki for Chakra balancing, clearing out blockages in the physical body as well as helping to restore proper energetic flow.
Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine incorporates the work of of Donna Eden, Dr. Charles Krebs, and a few other pioneers in the field. Energy Medicine is designed to focus on keeping the body's energy system vital and healthy. Energy Medicine incorporates techniques from acupressure, yoga, kinesiology and qui gong. It works to create flow and balance within the energy system of the body with the purpose of assisting with healing and bringing the body to vibrant health. When it is applicable, we will utilize these techniques to help your body assimilate other energy work that may be used in our sessions. Additionally, I will show you how to integrate some of these methods independently at home to support balance in your physical and emotional health..