How Our Chakras Control Our Life
When I first entered the world of energy medicine several years ago, I was introduced to our chakra system. At the time I didn’t fully comprehend that our physical and energetic body was so connected, so understanding the importance of the chakra system was easy for me to overlook since it was something intangible to me at the time.
It wasn’t long however, before it became apparent that keeping balance in my chakras was vital to my well-being, vitality and health...

What’s your story?
Think about it for a minute…. what is the story (or stories) that you live by? In what form do you present yourself to the world? What are the conversations you internally have with yourself? Most often, wether consciously or through our subconscious mind, it’s the story we tell ourselves every day. Its the self talk that we have with ourselves that either leaves us in a place of receiving, or blocking what we really want and deserve.

Are You In Alignment In Your Life?
Most of us have had that moment when we’ve been driving to work in the morning… coffee in hand, your favorite song on the radio. You feel alive, awake and you think to yourself… “I feel good today.” You start to think about your life and somehow, in the depths of your own thoughts and in this one moment, you feel like you can accomplish all your goals. You feel the motivation. You feel like it is all possible. You feel excited. Most of the time however, something happens.

Are Your Emotions Affecting Your Health?
Imagine your life without being able to feel joy, happiness, or even excitement. We would never know how it felt to love or be loved. We would live a life of ritual without any passion to what we are living for. As Dr. Bradley Nelson states so well, ‘our emotions are what gives us color to our lives.” These positive emotions are what gives us goals, determinitation and even a place of feeling grounded within ourselves.

Getting Started in Your Meditation Practice
If you meditate regularly, you likely know how invaluable it is to your well-being. If you don’t, you probably know you “should” but either cannot seem to start or stick to a regular practice. You are not alone! There is so much research that shows the positive impacts mediation has on our health, productivity, sleep, and even weight. Most of us know it is a great way to calm anxiety and tap into our intuition but when it comes to actually doing it, we often face resistance.

Angel Jar
The best way to start off your New Year. Write down your goals, dreams, fears and prayers for the year ahead. As soon as you drop it in your Angel Jar, worry a little less and have faith that those of higher being are helping you get there. Drop a note in the jar whenever you feel like you could use a little guidance and perspective.

Copper Toxicity
Properly understanding the important functions copper provides in the human body and how that function can be impaired with a slight copper imbalance (or copper toxicity) can help you understand the root cause of your symptoms and find a path to healing.